Re-Routing to Europe

On the 10th of June 2021 we gathered with our members to talk about Re-Routing to Europe and opportunities for Australian businesses to expand in France, Germany and Estonia among other European countries.

Our key speaker Wolfgang Babeck from Hall & Wilcox and different industry speakers will cover legal, HR and taxation aspects and business cases of successful expansion to Europe from Australia. Industry speakers will report first hand experience and how they overcame challenges.

Key topics:

  • Australian companies rethinking Europe
  • Increasing your footprint in continental Europe
  • Avoiding traps on the continent

The event was both face-to-face in Sydney and live-streamed for remote access.

If you’d like to access the recording, please follow this link below.

Webinar's recording

Thank you again to our host, Hall & Wilcox for their fantastic support for this hybrid event.

Hall & Wilcox is a leading independent Australian law firm. We are a firm of around 750 people delivering outstanding legal services to corporate, public sector and private clients, both Australian-based and those offshore doing business in Australia.

Here are a few photos of the attendees